Cephalodella exigua; a species with cerebral eyespot; capable of swallowing diatoms; lateral view. (1) |
Cephalodella exigua; specimen from (2). |
Cephalodella exigua; dorsoventral view; focal plane on the lip (2). |
Cephalodella exigua; virgate trophi type A; left: dorsoventral view; right: lateral view. (1) |
Location (1): Ennepetal, NRW, Germany, Ennepe near "Sterngolfplatz" |
Habitat (1): abundant on detritus on current-exposed stones |
Date (1): 14.05.2021 |
Location (2): Wupper near Müngstener Brücke; |
Habitat (2): epibiontic on the red alga Torularia atra in lotic water |
Date(2) : 15.10.2022 (2) |